Reach your target group precisely at all our touchpoints: Moving images, online, our social media channels, our target group newsletters - but of course also print and events.
As the number 1 in B2B, we know exactly how to give your topics topicality, relevance and context - and play out your narrative precisely on the channels that are best for you.
With 19,000 subscribers to our print edition, more than 30,000 subscribers to our digital products, a quarter of a million users of our website and ten thousand followers of our social media channels, INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN is the most efficient way to conquer the topicality in the B2B sector.
Hopefully we will see, hear and read from each other soon!
Rudolf Loidl
EDITION: 18,872 pieces/month*
READERSHIP: 34,000 decision-makers/month**
* ÖAK-tested
** LAE-tested
Note: PDF version will be updated shortly. Website prices apply.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Manuela, Mag.
Head of Sales Industrial Cluster
Tel. +43 (0)676-68 40 740
Mock, MA
Media Consultant
Tel. +43 (0)676-831 87 427
Sales Operations Manager
Tel. +43 (0)676-831 87 470
Rudolf LoidlEditor-in-Chief;
Daniel PohseltDeputy Editor-in-Chief;
MSc. Tom Arnold, Head of Online Editing;
DI Lukas Kreč, Head of Moving Image;
WEKA Industry Media GmbH
Dresdner Strasse 43, 1200 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-40410
UID: ATU72312035
Vienna Commercial Court, FN 360567 x Erste Bank, IBAN AT58 2011 1837 5737 8700, BIC GIBAATWWXXX
Current figures around the magazine
19,000 Subscribers of our print edition, 30,000 subscribers to our digital productstens of thousands of subscribers to our social media channels, and over half a million users of our website in 2024 and thousands of participants in our event series
Print run
Rolling annual average
reached monthly
(print and e-paper)
Unique clients Total
in 2024
European Publishing Award
Industriemagazin is the proud winner of the award in the "Digital Relaunch 2023" category
and "Video 2024"
Followers and subscribers
on LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram
and Whatsapp
Grow with us!
+ 4,5 %
Range 2023*
The reader analysis of decision-makers (LAE) 2023 confirmed INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN's leading position in the Austrian trade media market with the highest growth in reach of all competitors.
*LAE 2023, cf. 2021, Cross Media Reach
Cross media reach/month, 2023,
Reader analysis decision-makers 2019, 2021, 2023
Reach with us
Sole decision-makers
in the area of production/materials/logistics
of all decision-makers
in companies with a turnover of more than 100 million euros
Functions in the company
Who are our readers?
24 %
of our readers are (co-)owners of your business
29 %
of our readers are managing directors, board members or directors of your company.
32 %
of our readers are division or department heads or deputies
Source: LAE 2022
Industriemagazin is the only reach winner in the current LAE.
Net reach LAE 2015
8,1 %
Net reach LAE 2021
8,51 %
Source: LAE 2022, reader analysis decision-makers
Best CPM in the B2B sector!
Thousands contact price for reaching decision-makers in companies with more than one million euros in turnover (source LAE 2022)
LAE 2022
Readers:inside analysis
Of our 34,000 monthly readers
Comparison of LINKEDIN followers in the B2B sector
We have developed the 360° communication package as a comprehensive and varied measure that enables you to position your content for your target group. Cross-medially, you can use the synergies of our various print, online and social media channels to inform your target group about your messages in an all-encompassing and pinpoint manner.
Price on demand
* Example case
Thinking about content holistically and distributing it via multimedia
We will start by recording and broadcasting a TV interview with your Managing Director or an Expert of your choice on INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV-News, which airs every Wednesday at 11:30.
Online measures are also an important part of this package. The TV interview will be broadcast in full length on embedded. The interview text is also SEO-optimised, tagged with keywords and remains findable online for the duration of the media cooperation.
The interview is also played out via our newsletter "Daily Briefing" and thus your messages reach our more than 10,000 subscribers this way.
A print measure is also a fixed component of 360° communication. An editorial report of around 1,700 characters appears in INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN and is read by more than 31,000 decision-makers throughout Austria.
Your 360° journey is rounded off with the video interview edited into Snipet, which is played out on our LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook social media channels.
The audio track is edited as a podcast and provided with a professional jingle and recorded intro and published on the magazine platform.
Your messages can also be placed within the framework of our events. "Live is live" and this applies more than ever. Meet experts, industry colleagues and future customers at our top-class congresses, conferences and round-table discussions to network and generate potential leads. Target group-specific and very close!
Start your INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN 360 degree journey wherever you want!
For example in our weekly INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN News
Studio guest/TV appearance
1 TV appearance
Studio guest + content package moving image
Video/website/Youtube + content package across all social media channels
Studio guest + content package 360 degrees
Video/website/Youtube + online report + print report + content package across all social media channels
Instream Overlay
Static insertion of the logo + logo transmission
"The programme is supported by ..." during the programme (8 seconds)
Prices on request
Feel free to talk to us about industrial, because we understand what moves the industry and what information is relevant for your development. This is how we ensure intensive reading experiences in the field of manufacturing industry.
Ranking: Austria's top 100 businesswomen
Location check: These are Austria's regions with the greatest growth
FOCUS TOPIC: Logistics and flow of goods
Transport: How to secure your supply chain
Intralogistics: Solutions for internal flow of goods
Logimat 2025: The most exciting solutions of the trade fair year
Cybersecurity: How to make your infrastructure resilient
Sourcing: IT solutions for procurement processes
All trends in continuing vocational training
PLUS: Large seminar provider ranking 2024
The industry magazine for sustainable technologies and innovation.
Focus topics: Circular economy, green logistics, energy efficiency. Plus: sustainable processes, environmental management, sustainability assessment and certification, CSR
The big UAS ranking 2025: The best UASs in the country
Occupational safety: The best solutions for health and safety
FOCUS TOPIC: Industrial Automation
Factory Automation: Best practice from the industry
AI & Robotics: The best picks of industrial automation
Industrial controls: Model innovations 2024
Hannover Messe 2025: What you can expect at the leading global industry trade fair
Data ecosystems: What can Manfacturing X & Co do?
Data centre: The best partners for your safety
Safety in the industry: The best solutions against burglary, theft, espionage and vandalism
Access systems, security services: The best partners for the physical security of your systems
Logistics: The best digital innovations of the transport service providers
FOCUS TOPIC: Pharma and Biotech
Ranking: The top pharmaceutical and biotech companies in Austria
Innovation: The most exciting solutions from domestic laboratories
Regulation and compliance: The challenges facing the industry
Markets and trends: The industry's growth markets
IT and OT security
Hardware and gadgets: ITVR, mixed reality, notebooks, collaboration, PBX systems, AI
MBA Ranking 2025: These are the stepping stones for your career boost
Robotics: Where cobots are already worthwhile in use now
Connection and assembly technology: All novelties in spring
FOCUS TOPIC: Automation
Smart production: How to manufacture more efficiently
IOT: How to make your network secure
Process automation: Pressure, flow, level measurement
Smart Automation 2025: All trade fair innovations 2025
Managed Services: Cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Data centre: IT infrastructure / cabling / cloud solutions
All about metal processing: machining technology, CAD/CAM, large-part machining
The industry magazine for sustainable technologies and innovation.
Focus topicsCircular economy, green logistics, energy efficiency. Plus: sustainable processes, environmental management, sustainability assessment and certification, CSR
The best management consultants: Ranking the best in strategy, production, corporate finance and restructuring
Production: News in welding technology
Automotive: Sector check supplier industry
FOCUS TOPIC: Logistics and flow of goods
Transport logistics: Large provider check
Export: Contact points for financing and settlement
Connectivity: 6G, measurement technology, wireless, campus networks, SDWAN, Industry 4.0, IoT, smart building
TOP-250 industrial companies: The largest production companies in the turnover check
Logistics: New solutions for your sourcing
Fleet management: The most attractive solution from the leasing providers
FOCUS TOPIC: Austria as a business location
Location check: These are Austria's fastest growing regions
Business and industrial parks: The most exciting locations in Austria
R&D: The most important cluster and network co-operations
Education, research: Solutions for the innovation of tomorrow
Security solutions: Security, cybersecurity, data protection, identity management, XDR, zero trust, physical security, monitoring, backup, critical infrastructures
Internet of things (IoT): The networking of OT and IT
Digital Leadership: New ways in leadership
Industrial Metaverse: Solutions for the production of tomorrow
Education and training: The most attractive training offers
Mechanical engineering: New models 2025
Factory Automation: Platforms at a glance
FOCUS TOPIC: Investing abroad
The biggest investment cheque: Infrastructure, availability of skilled labour and stability at a global level
Growth markets: Where in Europe the framework conditions for industry are best
Financing: The best companions on the path to internationalisation
Managed Services: Cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Big Data, Multi Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Cloud PBX, Software, Business Intelligence
Workplace and gadgets: Notebooks, printers, headsets, video conferencing, collaboration, PBX systems, AI, UCC, mixed reality
Reputation Ranking: Austria's most respected industrial brands
Research & Development: The best service providers
Robotics: All trends at Cobots
FOCUS TOPIC: New Talents
Talent search: The best partners for recruiting
Education: The best solutions for training your employees
New Leadership: How to give your employees wings
Data centre: IT infrastructure, cabling, cloud solutions, UPS, servers, storage, networks, automation
Security solutionsSecurity, cybersecurity, data protection, critical infrastructures
Top 50: Ranking of Logistics Austria
The industry magazine for sustainable technologies and innovation.
Focus topics: Circular economy, green logistics, energy efficiency. Plus: sustainable processes, environmental management, sustainability assessment and certification, CSR
Top 1000 Managers: Austria's 1000 most important leaders in industry
E-mobility: New solutions for your charging infrastructure
Lean Management: New strategies for operational efficiency
FOCUS TOPIC: Automation and Industry 4.0
IoT: Smart solutions for more efficient production
Sensor technology: New applications for industry
Automation: How to make your project a success
SPS 2025: All trade fair innovations of the year
Connectivity: 6G, measurement technology, wireless, campus networks, IoT, smart building
Managed Services: Cloud, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Big Data, Multi Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Cloud PBX, Software, Business Intelligence
Top 50 suppliers
Logistics: The best solutions for material and goods flow
Automation technology: Innovations for your production
Robotics: New models 2025
IT service provider for your transformation project
Cybersecurity: The best solutions
Data Science: How to use your data tomorrow
Future Tech: Solutions for the production of tomorrow
Data Science
Future Tech
IT infrastructure, connectivity, security, hardware & gadgets
All subsidies for your business 2026
Manuela, Mag.
Head of Sales Industrial Cluster
Tel. +43 (0)676-68 40 740
Mock, MA
Media Consultant
Tel. +43 (0)676-831 87 427
Type area
185 x 253 mm
210 x 280 mm*
Type area
125 x 185 mm
140 x 210 mm*
Type area
121 x 253 mm
135 x 280 mm*
Type area
90 x 253 mm
104 x 280 mm*
Type area
185 x 125 mm
210 x 140 mm*
Type area
60 x 253 mm
74 x 280 mm*
Type area
121 x 125 mm
Type area
185 x 80 mm
210 x 90 mm*
Type area
90 x 125 mm
All formats: Width x height
* Falling formats require an overfiller of 3 mm on all sides.
Processable file types: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, printable PDFs.
Prices excl. & 5% Advertising tax
Surcharge for placement on the cover page (U2, U3 or U4):
10 % of the base price
Inserts per
1.000 piece
Bound inserts per
1.000 piece
For inserts of less than 10,000 copies, a one-off flat rate of € 500 will be charged in addition to the insert price.
Special issue for your training and career
AS: 24.1. 2025
ET: 7.2.2025
The big special issue on metal processing
AS: 24.4.2025
ET: 7 MAY 2025
The magazine for energy, climate and sustainability in industry
Special issue for the logistician
AS: 18.9.2025
ET: 2 OCTOBER 2025
The big special issue about the automotive supply industry
AS: 23.10.2025
With regional special supplements and federal state specials in INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN, we are exactly where your target group is.
Type area
185 x 253 mm
205 x 275 mm*
Type area
185 x 125 mm
205 x 140 mm*
Surcharge for placement on the cover page (U2, U3 or U4): 10 % of the base price
All formats: Width x height
* Falling formats require an overfiller of 3 mm on all sides.
Processable file types: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, printable PDFs.
Prices excl. & 5% Advertising tax
Sometimes you can't reach your communication target with online display advertising alone. For such cases, we have a variety of digital solutions for your content marketing.
Manuela, Mag.
Head of Sales Industrial Cluster
Tel. +43 (0)676-68 40 740
Mock, MA
Media Consultant
Tel. +43 (0)676-831 87 427
Sales Operations Manager
Tel. +43 (0)676-831 87 470
Newsletter on the topic of the month
Exclusive sponsorship of the themed newsletter:
Price: € 2.190,-
Your messages in our monthly online thematic focus
Technical data:
Price per week: € 690
* The 200 characters refer to the text displayed on the homepage. This is identical to the first 200 characters of the advertorial text.
Technical data:
Price per week: € 690
Can also be booked together to be the sole advertiser for a month!
Display advertising for more attention
Price: € 130,- CPM
Format: 970 x 250 px
Playout on:
Home page, subpages, article pages
Price: € 360,- CPM
Format: Leaderboard + Wide Skyscraper
Playout on:
Home page, subpages, article pages
Price: € 100,- CPM
Format: 160 x 600 px
Playout on:
Home page, subpages, article pages
Price: € 100,- CPM
Format: dynamish, sticky
Playout on:
Home page, sub-pages, article pages,
+ Mobile
Price: € 90,- CPM
Format: 970 x 90 px
Playout on:
Home page, subpages, article pages
The ideal tool to increase your reach and visibility
Home Page Advertorial
Your text is visible as an advertorial on the homepage and is linked to a sub-page or to your page, as desired.
Price per week: € 1.900,-
Playout on:
Home + Mobile
Price: € 130,- CPM
Format: 300 x 600 px
Playout on:
Home, subpages + mobile
Price: € 90,- CPM
Format: 300 x 250 px
Playout on:
Home, subpages + mobile
Note: partially also on article pages under "Further interesting articles".
Point 7 o'clock: What moves the industry today.
Frequency: Daily, Monday to Friday
Reach: 10,000 recipients
Opening rate: up to 33 per cent
Technical data:
IAB Medium Rectangle:
300 x 250 px + target link
Price: € 690,-
Business Link:
Image in landscape format 4:3 (e.g. 800 x 600 px)
Title and teaser text (max. 300 characters) + target link
Price: € 690,-
"Switch on now": Topics of the programme
Frequency: weekly, Wednesdays, before the programme
Reach: 10.000 Recipient:inside
Newsletter on the topic of the month
Exclusive sponsorship of the themed newsletter:
Price: € 2.190,-
Frequency: every 4 weeks alternately
Logistics & Supply Chain Management: Transport and logistics, Purchasing platforms, Green logistics, Fleet management, Supply chain management // 2,500 recipients
Data + Beyond: IT and OT security, managed services, data centres, connectivity in the industry, workplace + gadgets
Sustainability: CO2 reduction, energy efficiency, energy, climate, recycling, reuse, green innovations, smart buildings
Automation: Robotics, cobots, modularity, linear technology, industrial interfaces // 4,100 recipients
Leadership: Personnel, Career, Legal, Tax // 2,200 recipients
Mobility of the future: Electromobility, hydrogen charging infrastructure, ÖBB, railway industry // 2,500 recipients
Mechanical and plant engineering: CNC manufacturing, milling, turning, drilling, cooling technologies, digital mechanical engineering // 3,100 recipients:inside
Digitalisation in production: IoT platforms, digital business models, digital maintenance // 4,200 recipients
Energy: Energy procurement, energy suppliers, green sustainability, footprint optimisation, ESG, CSR // 2,500 recipients
Exclusive sponsorship of an industry report for 12 months:
Price: € 10.000,-
Digital solutions for your effective lead generation
Webinars offer an effective way to generate high-quality leads and showcase your expertise.
We support you with the concept, promotion and realisation of your event - individually tailored to your needs. Our 80 m² studio with green screen enables customised design and branding. Whether product presentation, studio talk or podcast - we guarantee the best picture, sound and audio quality.
BASIC PACKAGE: Price on request
What data is collected as leads?
Use whitepapers to reach interested parties in a targeted manner and generate high-quality leads.
Place your whitepaper on and only pay for valuable leads. An editorial seal of approval increases your conversion and generates more qualified contacts. With the "Pro" add-on, you can also use a customised branded content window after the download.
BASIC PACKAGE: 30 Leads = € 2.400,-
Whitepaper-Add-On "Pro": € 600,-
What data is collected as leads?
Position yourself with SEO-optimised content and reach your target group efficiently on our channels.
We create editorial, search engine-optimised articles on your core topic, which are placed on our magazine home pages. Supplemented by a service box with a call-to-action button, you can direct interested parties directly to your website and generate leads there. Our newsletters serve as multipliers.
BASIC PACKAGE: Price on demand
What do we offer you?
Present your content on the homepage and secure visibility in a cutting-edge industry environment.
Your advert will be placed prominently on our homepage in the exclusive main topic section. Embedded in a 360-degree content mix of reports, interviews and specialist articles, you will reach your target group with pinpoint accuracy. Our thematic newsletters serve as multipliers.
BASIC PACKAGE: Price on request
What do we offer you?
*Also bookable together to be the sole advertiser for one month!
Webinars offer an effective way to generate high-quality leads and showcase your expertise.
From webinars and press conferences to podcasts: We support you with the concept, promotion and realisation of your event - individually tailored to your needs. Our 80 m² studio with green screen enables customised design and branding. Whether product presentation, studio talk or podcast - we guarantee the best image, sound and audio quality.
BASIC PACKAGE: 30 leads = € 2.400,-
What data is collected as leads?
Use whitepapers to reach interested parties in a targeted manner and generate high-quality leads.
Place your whitepaper on and only pay for valuable leads. An editorial seal of approval increases your conversion and generates more qualified contacts. With the "Pro" add-on, you can also use a customised branded content window after the download.
BASIC PACKAGE: 30 leads = € 2.400,-
Whitepaper-Add-On "Pro": € 600,-
What data is collected as leads?
Position yourself with SEO-optimised content and reach your target group efficiently on our channels.
We create 6 editorial, search engine-optimised articles on your core topic, which are placed on one of our magazine home pages for 12 months. Supplemented by a service box with a call-to-action button, you can direct interested parties directly to your website and generate leads there. In addition, the newsletter integration provides 6 further touchpoints for topic and image cultivation.
Price on demand
Home page placement, 6 SEO-optimised articles incl. teaser texts, 1 service box with CTA.
Present your content on the homepage and secure visibility in a cutting-edge industry environment.
Your advert will be placed prominently in a topic-exclusive online stage on our homepage - ideal for presenting your products or content in the appropriate thematic focus. SEO-optimised and embedded in a 360-degree content mix of reports, interviews and specialist articles, you will reach your target group with pinpoint accuracy. In addition, a newsletter summarises the most important findings and brings them directly to your readers.
Price on demand
Home page placement with service box or advertorial (incl. image, text & CTA*)
(*Also bookable together to be the sole advertiser for one month!)
We report, film, stream and rent out.
We bring your content into our programme.
+ Multiplier: NÖN-TV
From concept to post-production.
+ B2B lead service
Introduce your company or your team.
+ Drone recordings
How can you be part of it?
The rapid development in domestic and international industry brings many challenges for people and technology. We understand this challenge and want to visualise this change. Our video productions capture in a modern way the innovations that point the way to the future. From automated production to artificial intelligence - we help you present these complex developments in an understandable and gripping way.
Logo placement*
Static overlay of the logo (.jpeg, .png)
Price: € 990,-
Per TV appearance
and decoupled stand-alone video
Price: € 2.500,-
Technical requirements:
- Landscape format 1920 x 198 px
- Portrait format 335 x 1080 px
* "The programme is supported by ..." during the programme (8 seconds)
How can you be part of it?
The rapid development in domestic and international industry brings many challenges for people and technology. We understand this challenge and want to visualise this change. Our video productions capture in a modern way the innovations that point the way to the future. From automated production to artificial intelligence - we help you present these complex developments in an understandable and gripping way.
We are dedicated to "visual storytelling" and offer customised solutions to communicate your message effectively. Our creative teams use innovative technologies to tell your story and bring your product into focus. Through holistic communication consultancy, together we turn industry change into an exciting audio-visual journey.
Our INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV News delivers the most important industry news every week.
Our popular format INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV News achieves strong performance on LinkedIn.
With continuous growth, our YouTube channel reaches millions of users every year.
NÖN-N1-TV offers a broad audience through weekly broadcasts and media player access.
Every Wednesday at 11:30
The weekly news format for the industry with more than 100,000 views per programme/week on all digital channels: YouTube, magazine site and LinkedIn. Industry news, analyses and service articles about the industry in the German-speaking countries.
INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN News is an industry pioneer in the field of moving image formats for industry with interaction rates of up to 6 % in the top field of B2B streaming content on social media. Create a presence for your products, company or management here.
Every Wednesday at 11.30 am live on, 25/7 on Youtube, every Friday at 8 pm on NÖN TV.
+ 400,000 TV households NÖN-TV (technical reach)
+ Over 650,000 video views per month on YOUTUBE
We play INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV News non-stop in our video player on the start page and have more than 5000 unique users per consignment.
A total impression rate of over 30,000 impressions/year and a Engagement rate of up to 5.4 % make INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV News a popular format.
Here we already reach with our news over 1 million viewsand 6.5 million impressions per year (and the trend is rising). On average, we record 100,000 views per week.
The number of subscribers is growing daily and we currently have over 12,000 channel subscriptions
Fridays, 9 pm (repeated several times a week until the next broadcast):
NÖN-N1-TV is broadcast on the entire cable network of the EVN subsidiary Kabelplus GmbH in Lower Austria, in the Lower Austrian network of UPC/Telekabel Wien. The TV programmes are also available on the central media player page at NÖ
Per TV appearance
and decoupled stand-alone video
Logo placement*
Static overlay of the logo (.jpeg, .png)
* "The programme is supported by ..."
during the programme (8 seconds)
Technical requirements:
- Landscape format 1920 x 198 px
- Portrait format 335 x 1080 px
Our popular format INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN TV News achieves strong performance on LinkedIn.
NÖN-N1-TV offers a broad audience through weekly broadcasts and media player access.
With continuous growth, our YouTube channel reaches millions of users every year. Updated: Nov. 2024
Navigating the Future: How disruption Shapes leadership
The Industry Congress has been bringing together leading representatives from industry, business, politics and science for 15 years to discuss current challenges, trends and future prospects for industrial development.
We are facing the reality of a world undergoing disruptive change. Far-reaching structural changes are emerging in geopolitical and technological terms. Long-term visions are often too abstract to find broad support in view of the loss of social trust - the focus on reacting to current shocks alone, on the other hand, falls short of responding to the imminent transformations.
When: 02 - 03 July 2025
Where: IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn, Aigen im Ennstal
You expect from your marketing: impact and result. You get from our B2B agency: exactly that.
The B2B agency from WEKA Industrie Medien with a focus on content marketing is the ideal partner for your marketing strategies with the know-how of specialist journalists from the fields of industry and production, construction and building technology as well as automotive.
Nicole Fleck, BSc.
Our 80 square metre studio is equipped with a green screen and can be individually designed and branded according to customer requirements. Press conferences, studio talks, company or product presentations - we guarantee the best picture, sound and audio quality.
Luke Krec